ÅLAND has been presenting a variety of fashion cultures to many people as a multi-brand store with new fashion designers. Now we are selling everything –clothes, shoes, bags, stationary items, and cosmetics-can be touched by designer’s sense.
ÅLAND is a one of a kind store in Korea which established emotional and cultural connection with its customers. The brands that we carry are creative, compelling, and unique at the same time and each brand has its own target customer segment.We believe each customer feels different kind of sympathetic bond with our brands.
In February 2006, ÅLAND opened its first store in Korea, located in Myeong-dong, one of the most popular shopping destinations in Seoul. Today, we are running 19 offline stores worldwide and an online store. Each store has its own interior concept and distinct decorations. ÅLAND sells about 700 brands supporting new designers and we always seek for funky and unique brands.

A rare species of fish that lives on a small island called 'ÅLAND' in Finland is called 'ALAND.' The fish logo, which seems to have moved the fish diagram, started ALAND together. 2017, the circle motive of the Å logo and the blue color of ALAND's powerful symbol met and the new fish was borned.
The symbol representing ALAND, A fish with a blue cintamani, the symbol of ALAND to be found anywhere in the world That's the goal that ALAND is pursuing. Our sophisticated graphic- like a piece of art, is a clear identity with our own design philosophy. Feel ALAND's unique sense from typography graphic and minimal shapes of circles and triangles.